JangoMail FAQs

Agency setup

Our agency program was designed with marketing agencies in mind. You can manage multiple (and separate) client accounts under one master account. For example, you can have two accounts, one for Company X and one for Company Y, and combine them together for billing, getting the best price possible based on the joint usage volume. You can also create separate reporting login accounts for each entity.

There’s a small, one-time cost of $30 for each subaccount setup (and we can offer a discount for this if you are using multiple subaccounts). When you sign up for the master account, that is done as a regular standalone JangoMail account. When we do the account activation for the master, we also mark it as an agency master, and then back in your user interface, you’ll see options to add subaccounts. Once your account is set as an agency master, you can create your subaccounts and assign them their passwords.

After logging into JangoMail, click the My Account link at the top of the page, and then go to the Sub-Accounts tab. From there, you can create/name your subaccount and assign its password (at least 8 characters long).

In the example above, the master account is named agencydemo, and its two subaccounts are named agency1 and agency2.

Suppose the three accounts – individually – send the following number of messages across one month:

agencydemo – 9,000
agency1 – 5,300
agency2 – 1,700

Based on their volume, the plan level for each account would have to be 12,000, 8,500, and 2,500 plans, at $60, $45 and $15 per month, for a total of $120.

As an agency master, you could sign up for a base amount of 5,000 messages per month (an amount you are sure to meet each month; unused messages do not carry over into the next usage month) and pay for overages above that (just what the plan level is you wind up using, no penalties or fees for going over your base amount). The combined volume of the three subaccounts is 16,000, which falls under our 18,000 messages per month plan, at $90 per month. In summary, you would pay $90 for what the three account used, as opposed to the three of them paying a combined total of $120.

A master account can logon and assume the identity of a subaccount (i.e., you can logon as the subaccount by going through the master account, or if you want to keep track of passwords and usernames, logon directly as the subaccount owner). Subaccounts cannot see other subs, nor can they see account details (billing info) of the master account.

Subaccounts can also used saved templates stored at the master account level. This is useful when you have a corporate branding/look and feel and want to have subaccounts use that content for their communications.

If you are an SMTP user

The agency setup, or master account and its subaccounts structure, is only available in JangoMail, not JangoSMTP, in terms of the type of account being used. But, if you are an SMTP user, you can still use the master/subaccount setup. You would sign up for JangoMail, but only use the SMTP/transactional messaging that comes along with JangoMail.