JangoMail FAQs

JangoMail API

JangoMail offers an API with an extensive set of methods which can be use for broadcast and transactional sending/reporting, plus some account management options.

For sending – you can send a mass email campaign to a list, send that particular message to a single recipient, and send an ad hoc transactional message (welcome message, password reset, shipping order update, etc.).

For reporting – the data returned via our reporting methods is typically one of three formats: XML, string, and a .NET data set.

The majority of API methods (i.e., procedure calls) have an Options parameter. In terms of usage, most customers use the SendTransactionalEmail method. When using this method, open and click tracking must be specified, as does the “UseSystemMAILFROM” setting. When sending using SMTP, these options are set at the account level. When sending using the API, you must include these options for each message.

In the picture below, to use open and click tracking, and assuming your are sending using your own FROM address domain (and have an SPF record in place), the Options parameter contains:


More information about our SMTP service (and API) can be found here.