JangoMail FAQs

Database connections

This page lists the various sources/options you have for getting your list data/recipient email addresses into JangoMail.

With respect to where your addresses are stored, you have several options:

1. You can upload a list into your account (no limit on the number of lists, or the number of addresses within a list). When you create a list, just upload the columns you’ll be using in your messages (which obviously includes an emailaddress, but optionally, information such as first name, last name, an address, and so on).

Using lists to send personalized emails
Importing addresses/data into lists

2. You can connect to a local database (relative to you), where this database can be an Excel file, an Access database, SQL Server, and even Oracle (any data source that supports an ODBC connection). When you connect to your data source, you can also use a query or SELECT statement to select the records of interest.

Create a local database connection

3. Finally, you can use a web database, where you create the connection profile in your JangoMail account, place a file on your server, and connect to the database when starting a campaign. As with the local database connection, you can also issue a query to select the records of interest.

Create a web database connection

Another option is available for Salesforce users

How to create an ODBC connection